Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Passionate Hillary Delegate Talks About Convention Speech

I mean even if you don't care for Obama how can you as a respectable black person opt for McCain?

Better still "if I can't have Hillary than I won't vote at all". Are you serious?

Even after the racial tension caused by Bill Clinton's comments in the Carolina's? Even after Hillary suggested McCain would be better suited for President than Obama (a member of her own party). Even after she clearly played on people's personal prejudices to divide the party in her favor; even if it meant losing all Democratic momentum and handing another Republican to the most powerful appointment in the land?

You're still a die hard Hillary supporter? Even after it's a mute point?

This woman was so gender biased that even at the DNC she couldn't bring herself to support a man. Watch as she fumbles over explaining her emotional state. It's kind of......oohhhh, how shall we say this? Disgusting.